Tuesday, March 25, 2008


24th March 2008:

It all started when Daddy noticed I was feeling feverish..
I recorded 38.1 degC !
Then it got worse to 38.5 degC.

Took some emergency fever syrup and fever went up down up down.

Best part was that I was still playing as usual but fussy..

Daddy and Mummy was worried and rushed me to see the paedetrician!
I was running a fever but did not have cold nor cough nor UT..
Er.. pd could not really diagnose anything except I had slight fever.

By evening, fever went up to 39degC!!

Mummy immediately sponge me to bring my temperature down.
She was like half scared to death leh..
Aiyo! What happen leh?
Beats me.. maybe I'm teething again!

MUMMY is now my favourite person (^_^) until I recover from whatever that cause this bout of fever attack..

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