Sunday, February 3, 2008

In My Bumbo Seat

These days I crawl around. *winks*
Well, I drag and prop my buttocks and start manoeuvring wherever I want.
I termed that 'crawling'.. though it's not really a 100% baby-crawl.
Now this action causes Mummy lotsa of headache cos each time she looked away, I had propelled myself to a new location.
With each new learning curve achieved, comes new horizons + headaches for Mummy.. *winks winks*

The infamous Bumbo-Seat will not hold me still if you think it can.
I performed a scary act today and it scare the wits of out Daddy and Mummy.
I made my way out from the bumbo and fell to the floor nicely on my tummy with Mummy holding out her hand to catch my head before landing. That's a long description but all the actions happened together at one time

Can you imagine if I were to be left alone?
Moral of today's blog -->
Warning: Never leave your baby alone on the bumbo-seat!!

From upright to sideways, I can never sit still!

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